The text should be in a text processor format, compatible with Microsoft Word, and its pages should be numbered.
The article should not exceed nine thousand (9,000) words, including all sections (summary, abstract, text, notes, photo captions, and references). The authors must submit a single file containing all the tables, charts, and images, accompanied with their explanatory texts, located in the corresponding place of the article. If audios and videos are included, the author should indicate the place in the texts where they will be inserted, including their captions as well.
First page
It includes, both in Spanish and in English: the title of the article, a summary of no more than 250 words, and between three and seven keywords. The English version is revised by a professional and eventually changed under the Editor’s supervision and according to technical standards.
This page must also include the name of the author or authors, their institutional affiliation (institution, city, and country), ORCID author identifier (Open Research and Contributor ID), and their email address.
The article’s title and subtitles, especially the latter, should be brief. The Editor reserves the right to modify them, if necessary. The primary, secondary, or tertiary subtitles should indicate a clear hierarchy, either through letter sizing, use of bold characters, or numbers.
Footnotes in the text should be organized consecutively using Arabic numerals in superscript, which are always placed after a period or a full stop, never in the middle of a sentence. The notes should be located at the end of the document. Excessive number of notes and long notes are to be avoided. The Journal has the right to shorten long notes.
In-text citations
It is better to use paraphrasing than literal quoting, unless the latter is strictly necessary. If the literal quotation is up to 40 words, it needs to be in quotation marks and be part of the text. Quotations longer than 40 words should be separated from the rest of the text by line spacing; their typography should be two points lower than the rest of the text, with left margin indent, and without quotation marks. In both cases, the quotations should be referred to in the bibliography, including page number, based on the following example: (Cruzat 1898: 174). To that effect, no notes will be used, except if the quotation needs some clarification or comment. In such case, the number of the note should be immediately after the reference: (Betancourt et al. 2000: 312).1
If the author is mentioned in the text, the year of publication of the article will be included in brackets after their last name, including the page number if the reference makes it necessary: Cruzat (1898: 174) claims that…
In case of mentioning two authors, the last name of both of them will be included (Irribarren & Bergholz 1972). If it is more than two, the first will be noted, followed by the expression et al.: (Betancourt et al. 2000: 312).
When several publications are cited within the same brackets or comment, they must be sequenced chronologically.
Acknowledgements and funding information
When a work includes acknowledgements or funding information they must be placed immediately before the references. Example:
This work was supported by FONDECYT grant n.º 1181844 “Sonidos serranos. De la Tirana a Paucartambo: santarios, musicalización y danzas en el paisaje sonoro”, 2018. Principal investigator: Alberto Díaz Araya.
Under the title “References” a list of only the works cited in the text, the notes, image captions, tables, charts, audios, and videos must be included. The list must be alphabetically organized by author, and chronologically organized in case of two or more titles by the same author.
The editorial information of each reference should be complete and organized as follows: author(s), year of edition, title in cursive, place of publication, printing house, or editorial. The rest of the data, such as editors, pages, volumes, etc., should be added when it is a reference to the chapter of a book, article, journal, etc. If the work has a DOI, it must be included, and if the work is available online, the primary source and the date of retrieval must be given.
Bertonio, L. 1956 [1612]. Vocabulario de la lengua aymara. Cochabamba: Ceres. <> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Millones, L. & H. Tomoeda 2011. La cruz del Perú. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN: 978-84-472-1345-0.
Socualaya, C. 2021. La arqueología de Uranmarca. En Los chancas, B. Bauer, M. Aráoz Silva & L. C. Kellett, pp. 155-166. Lima: Institut Français d’Études Andines-The Institute for the New World Archaeology-University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Anthropology. <
11559> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Albeck, M. E. 2019. Investigaciones arqueológicas e históricas en
Casabindo. Revista del Museo de La Plata 4 (1): 144-182. <> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Rubiolo, D. 1997. Alkaline rocks in central Andes from NW-Argentina and Bolivia: tectonic implications. Actas del VIII Congreso Geológico de Chile, vol. 3, pp. 1719-1723. Antofagasta: Universidad Católica del Norte. <> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
López Campeny, S. 2012 Ms. Rescate Carrazana-Paredes (Barrio Malka, Tilcara, Jujuy). Análisis del conjunto de cuentas recuperadas. Informe para Patrimonio de la Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina <
=yes&detalles=yes&inf_tecnico_id=1199244> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Bahamondes, F. 2009. La cerámica prehispánica tardía de Araucanía septentrional: el complejo arqueológico El Vergel y su relación con la hipótesis del proceso de andinización. Tesis para optar al título de Arqueólogo, Departamento de Antropología, Universidad de Chile. <http://repositorio> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Instituto Geográfico Militar 2003. Carta Regular de Chile “Conchi”, Escala 1:50.000. Santiago: Instituto Geográfico Militar. <
=2&numero=42&escala=4> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Biblioteca Nacional Digital 2017 [1899]. Mapa geográfico e histórico del Perú. Escala 1:6.000.000. Santiago: DIBAM.<http://www.bibliotecanacionaldigital.-> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Archivos Escribanos de Santiago 1663. Escritura de venta escribanos de Santiago, vol. 258.
Gros, F. 1983. Gouvernement de soi et des autres. Entrevista a Michel Foucault, MP3, 2 h 01 min. Universidad de Berkeley, California. <https://digitalassets.> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Expósito, J. 2015. Zaña, recuperando el pasado. La herencia musical africana en el norte de Perú. Documental, 35 min. 1Frame Producciones, España. <> [consultado: 20-09-2021].
Each article can include a maximum of 15 images, including photos, diagrams, plans, maps, and drawings.
All the images are called “Figures” and their name must be included in the text in an abbreviated form: (fig. 1), (figs. 3-7). They will be sequentially numbered, following the order in which they appear in the text. The image captions should be brief (not exceeding 30 words), including the corresponding credits: origin of the figures and modifications.
The figures in the manuscript must be in low quality, with their corresponding caption.
Figure 5. Pot: a) item under study (author’s photo).
The original figures should have at least a 300 dpi resolution. The technical and artistic quality of the figures is a key factor for their acceptance in the article. Only maps are not required to have a high resolution.
If necessary, the figures can include information about size in the metric system; a bar scale in the case of maps, plans, and drawings; and the measurements of the photographed object or the photograph when the latter is the object.
The Journal is responsible for the map design, so the author must submit a provisory map, clearly identifying the spots, locations, or areas to be highlighted. An additional copy of the image of the map without information layers must be submitted.
Example: Example:
map with information layers. map without information layers.
The same applies to figures with information layers:
Example: Example:
figure with information layers. figure without information layers.
Tables and graphs
The tables and charts (graphs) must be inserted in the manuscript. The material must be identified with a brief descriptive title, be organized sequentially with Arabic numerals, and be appropriately cited in the text.
Audios and videos
The author must identify audiovisual material in accordance with the editorial guidelines and indicate the place where the hyperlink should be in the manuscript. The materials must include the corresponding credits.
In case of including material to supplement the resources in the manuscript (figures, audios, videos, tables, etc.), it should be accompanied by its corresponding description.