ISSN: 0718-6894
Imagen de cubierta: Motivo del Zoomorfo B, en sitio de Quiriguá, actual Guatemala (modificada desde Looper [2003: 175, fig. 29]).
179 pp
La Desconocida: Cartography in Diego de Landa’s Relación de las cosas de Yucatán
Creating Sacred Images. The Elaboration of Effigy-Censers from the Maya Site of Palenque
Maya Rituals Associated to the Passage of Hotun in Quirigua
The Complex of Human Figures Associated with Bearded Ophidians in the Statuary of Central Veracruz Cultures
Desenredando la iconografía en las tierras fronterizas: actores no humanos y autoridad en las policromías clásicas hondureñas
Building to Remember: Types and Location of Burials in Residential Group IV and Other Complexes of the Nobility at Palenque, Chiapas
“They Drip Pain upon Everything, the Pain Falls upon the People”. Sickness and Fateful Times in a Fragment of the Chilam Balam de Kaua
Maya Instruments and their Sound Symbolism in Naachtun, Guatemala