Volumen 28, n.º 1 / 2023
Publicado: 28-06-2023
ISSN: 0718-6894
Imagen de cubierta: Ser en Transformación
300 pp



Altered states of consciousness in the post-Paleolithic art of the Iberian Peninsula: rituals of ecstasy, psychoactive plants, and social dynamics

Chamanismo huichol: sabiduría tradicional en un mundo moderno

The statuette of the Osvaldo site in the Central Amazon. Evaluation of the presence of shamanism in a 7th century ad circular village

Shamanism, ontologies of art, and transcorporeality: Bridges between Diaguita art and bailes chinos in the Chilean semi-arid north

Humans, camelids and artifacts in a transformational universe: funerary rituals at El Olivar site

Plants, animals, minerals and blows: tobacco and cebil implements in Pampa Grande, Salta, Argentina (ad 0-1000)

Las formas de cosas que fueron: el arte Huarpa (250-700 dc) aplicado al modelo entóptico de Lewis-Williams y Dowson para el chamanismo

Representaciones de la flor del cactus san Pedro (Trichocereus spp.) y la planta Anadenanthera colubrina en tejidos wari y el arte Tiwanaku

Unveiling the shamanic identity of the Tiahuanaco Sacrificer in south-central Andean iconography (ad 400-1000)

Etnografía, chamanismo y arte rupestre del Lejano Oeste norteamericano